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Neurological Health

Build Your Brain Up: Easy Ways to Boost Your Brain Power

Did you know that despite making up only 2% of our body weight, the brain consumes up to 20% of our energy? Let’s explore some brain-boosting activities and tips to stay sharp.

Sep 20, 2024

6 min read

Written by 
Jyoti Kumari

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New ways to engage your brain and stay sharp.

We are dependent on our brains for a quality life, using them to respond to our environment and take minute-to-minute actions. However, age, stress, or a medical condition can affect the brain’s ability to function optimally, making it crucial to exercise the brain regularly.

Get your brain into gear: Why does the brain need to be exercised?

Just as physical exercise helps build muscles, exercising the brain makes it stronger and sharper. Consistent training helps keep it active and agile, especially when ageing. But don’t wait for your 60s to get started. Cognitive decline and the likelihood of developing diseases like Alzheimer’s and other types of dementia rise in the absence of regular mental stimulation that begins in your 30s.

Delhi-based neurologist, Dr Swarupa Bansode, says, “People often confuse a working brain versus a sharp one. We need to remember that our brain is always working, even when we sleep. But how alert and sharp one stays is determined by a combination of multiple factors that include steps one takes.” She suggests including mentally engaging activities in everyday routine, not just as a preventive measure but a proactive step towards:

Improving memory

Keeping our brain active can boost short-term and long-term memory. Techniques like memory aids and visualising information can help us remember things better.

Boosting problem-solving skills

Brain exercises help us think critically and solve problems more effectively, improving our ability to approach problems from different angles. This skill is helpful in both work and everyday life.

Preventing cognitive decline

As we age, our brains start slowing down. But mentally stimulating activities like solving puzzles, reading, or learning something new can help keep the brain sharp.

Quick Explainer

Cognitive decline and the likelihood of developing diseases like Alzheimer’s and other types of dementia rise in the absence of regular mental stimulation that can begin in your 30s.

Brain biology: How does learning something new help increase brain power?

The brain is not static in nature; it is capable of changing and developing through new experiences and education. Learning something new is not just a hobby; it’s a powerful tool that increases brain power and keeps your mind sharp. One of the most fascinating features of the brain and nervous system is neuroplasticity — the capacity to form new neural pathways and reorganise itself throughout one's lifespan.

Structural changes

Learning new skills or taking on challenges creates new neural pathways and strengthens existing ones, increasing grey matter. “Think of it as creating a new and better road and using it everyday to get to work till it becomes second nature,” says Dr Bansode when asked to explain this in simple terms. 

 Functional changes

Cognitive challenges enhance mental resilience. This resilience helps us cope with stress, adapt to changes, and recover from setbacks.

A sharp mind benefits more than just academic or professional success; it improves the overall quality of life. Taking part in brain-boosting activities can lead to:

Creating new pathways

When learning new skills, our brain develops connections between neurons. For example, learning to juggle activates multiple brain regions, which enhances motor skills, cognitive flexibility, and problem-solving abilities. “Think of it as the rewiring of the brain to overcome the wear and tear caused by age, disease or trauma. When one starts learning a new skill, new pathways start getting created which positively impact the quality of life,” adds Dr Bansode.    

Reinforcing existing connections

As we practise and learn, existing neural pathways become more robust and efficient. For instance, mastering a musical instrument improves memory, attention, and emotional engagement, leading to better performance and cognitive function. “You see what happens is that it promotes neuroplasticity which is the brain's way of creating new pathways and it also helps older people improve coordination, memory and movement,” the neurologist adds.

Release of neurotransmitters

Participating in difficult tasks prompts the secretion of neurotransmitters such as dopamine, enhancing mood and motivation. “Think of neurotransmitters as your body’s messengers that help nerve cells communicate with each other. Together, they help the body conduct all kinds of actions that include beating of the heart, body’s reaction to taste and temperature and even one’s emotions,” explains Dr Bansode. This encourages us to keep learning and exploring, creating a positive feedback loop that promotes cognitive growth.

Quick Tip

Mastering a new language boosts memory, improves cognitive abilities, and increases cultural awareness.

Give your brain that boost: 5 activities that help you stay sharp

1. Learning an instrument: Playing an instrument like the piano or guitar improves coordination, memory, and creativity and can also boost your mood and reduce stress. There are many online courses and apps to help you get started. 

2. Playing puzzles and games: Engaging in puzzles and games, such as Sudoku, crosswords, and strategy games, is fun and beneficial for your brain. These activities challenge your problem-solving skills and keep your mind sharp. “When you solve puzzles or play games multiple things happen within the brain. The first and foremost is that strengthening of the pathways, neuroplasticity that we have already spoken of. But another interesting action that takes place is secretion of dopamine as you finish a puzzle or win a game,” the neurologist adds.   

3. Learning a new language: Mastering a new language serves as an excellent workout for the brain. It boosts memory, improves cognitive abilities, and increases cultural awareness. Thanks to numerous apps and web-based programs, individuals have the flexibility to learn at a pace that suits them, while also experiencing the satisfaction of achieving their learning goals.

 4. Engaging in physical exercise: Exercise is excellent for your body and brain. Activities like yoga, dancing, or walking increase blood flow to the brain, improving focus and clarity. Go for at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise most days. 

5. Mindfulness and meditation: Both these activities help reduce stress, improve focus, and enhance memory. Just a few minutes each day of these practices can help you stay present and attentive, and there are numerous apps and digital tools available to assist you.

No need to rack your brains about this

Brain-boosting activities are essential for cognitive health and improving your quality of life. These brain exercises keep your mind sharp, and it’s never too late to start. Let’s work towards better brain health together!

Did You Know?

Activities like yoga, dancing, or walking increase blood flow to the brain, improving focus and clarity.

Frequently Asked Questions

1) Is it possible to increase one’s brain capacity to 100%?

The idea of using 100% of your brain is a myth. Instead, you can enhance brain capacity by continuously learning, such as picking up new skills or knowledge. Activities like reading, puzzles, and discussions stimulate brain activity. However, it’s important to remember that a healthy lifestyle with good nutrition, exercise, and enough sleep is crucial in supporting better brain function and memory. By choosing a healthy lifestyle, you have the power to improve cognitive function and boost your brain's abilities.

2) How do we increase brain power?

Increasing cognitive abilities demands both mental and physical exercises. Memory, attention, and problem-solving skills can all be enhanced by regularly pushing your brain with puzzles, memory games, and new knowledge. 

Physical activity promotes new neuron growth and blood flow to the brain. Like meditation, mindfulness exercises can lower stress and increase focus. A nutrient-rich, well-balanced diet is not just a diet; it's a brain-boosting strategy that promotes general brain health.

3) How can I activate my brain fast?

Try exercising or eating foods high in brain power, such as dark chocolate, berries, and almonds, to stimulate your brain rapidly. Quick brain exercises like puzzles, mindfulness meditation, or deep breathing can also improve focus and mental clarity.

 4) How to sharpen your memory?

You can practise concepts like association and visualisation to improve your memory. Memory-intensive hobbies like language or instrument learning can improve connections in the brain. It’s vital to get enough sleep, stay well-hydrated, and eat a diet containing plenty of omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants. Additionally, by improving focus, brain exercises can help with memory retention.

5) What are the top 10 brain foods?

  1. Fatty fish - High in omega-3 fatty acids
  2. Blueberries - Rich in antioxidants
  3. Turmeric - Contains curcumin with anti-inflammatory benefits
  4. Broccoli - High in antioxidants and vitamin K
  5. Pumpkin seeds - Packed with magnesium, iron, zinc, and copper
  6. Dark chocolate - Contains flavonoids, caffeine, and antioxidants
  7. Nuts - Walnuts especially are high in DHA
  8. Oranges - Rich in vitamin C
  9. Eggs - Good source of brain-boosting nutrients
  10. Green tea - Contains caffeine and L-theanine

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