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How Can I Help A Friend Who Is Depressed?

An illustration of half a circle
An illustration of the halves of 5 concentric circles

It’s always hard to watch your friends deal with depression. If you really want to help, start by recognising signs, offering support, and encouraging professional help. 

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Fight the Fear: Your Guide to Panic Attacks & Panic Disorder

An illustration of half a circle
An illustration of the halves of 5 concentric circles

The teen character Riley's hockey match scene in the animation film Inside Out 2 came close to accurately depicting what a panic attack feels like. What happens when your emotions spiral out of control?

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Vital for You: 7 Common Signs of Vitamin Deficiency & How to Fix Them

An illustration of half a circle
An illustration of the halves of 5 concentric circles

Feeling fatigued lately? Or is brittle hair and dry skin worrying you? Check out this guide to the most common signs of vitamin deficiency, along with helpful nutrition tips.

A graphic representation of the right half of 6 concentric circles
3 pebbles on top of each other

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